صدای ‌کیشوندان ، تحلیل و بررسی رویدادها و اخبار جزیره زیبای کیش

سرمایه گذاری گروه اورینتال میس مالزی در کیش

بین الملل , سلامت , گردشگری تاریخ انتشار: 98/09/27 بدون نظر   2040 بازدید

اندازه فونت    

تفاهم نامه توسعه گردشگری سلامت در بخش های مختلف این صنعت، بین سازمان منطقه آزاد کیش و گروه اورینتال میس مالزی امضا شد.

Oriental Mace

به گزارش دولتخانه کیش، در نشست غلامحسین مظفری مدیر عامل این سازمان و معاونان این مجموعه با ” وونگ کونگ یو “مدیرعامل گروه اورینتال میس مالزی، تفاهم نامه توسعه گردشگری سلامت در زمینه همکاری برای ساخت، رشد و توسعه صنعت گردشگری با محوریت تندرستی، خدمات پزشکی، درمان و آموزش گردشگری سلامت در منطقه آزاد کیش امضا شد.
همکاری در احداث، توسعه، راه اندازی و بهره برداری از اولین شهرک سلامت و تندرستیِ سبز در جزیره کیش که شامل بیمارستان تخصصی، کلینیک جراحی زیبایی و درمانی، مرکز آموزش هتلداری با گرایش گردشگری سلامت، هتل بیمارستان، مرکز خرید و مرکز تجاری و مرکز برگزاری همایش است؛ از جمله اهداف مرتبط با موضوع این تفاهم نامه است.
بر اساس این تفاهم نامه، سرمایه گذار پس از امضا نسبت به ارائه طرح مفهومی و مطالعات اولیه اقدام می کند و پس از تائید آن از جانب سازمان منطقه آزاد کیش، نسبت به تهیه و ارائه چهار گزارش شامل مطالعات امکان سنجی، برنامه اقتصادی، زمانبندی کلی در سطح یک و مطالعات اثرات زیست محیطی توسعه، اقدام می کند.


The OM Group’s Financial & Capital Markets Thrust is led by two prominent experts, economist Professor Wong and Financial analyst Mark Andrew Lim. Both has over twenty years of expertise and unique approaches in the field of financial and capital market.
Their contributions and publications are widely available and noticeable to the public globally.


Oriental Mace Development Bhd. is a Malaysia-based, international construction services company and a leading builder in diverse market segments. It offers Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) and Financing management to owners and developers in residential, commercial, and infrastructure development projects. Oriental Mace Development Bhd. earned recognition for undertaking large and complex projects, fostering innovation, embracing emerging technologies, and making a difference for their clients, employees and the community.
On top of this, Oriental Mace Development Bhd. is formed by a group of well-experienced construction professionals, with exceptional knowledge in building bio-technology facilities such as vaccine and pharmaceutical plants, biotechnology stemcell laboratory and medical research centres. Amongst all, the company is now working with the world’s top investment group, the Aljomaih Group of the Middle East, for the construction of the world’s state of the art Vaccine Plant.



Established in 2961, Versatile Creative Bhd. (VCB) is a mainboard public-listed company in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE, 4995). Being recorded as one of the top 3 shares with upward momentum (Source: The Edge Financial Daily, Oct 27, 2016), VCB takes pride to be the market leader and preferred partner in packaging printing with the most prominent international brand around the world, namely, Nestle, Panasonic, SKF and Danone. GTM Sdn. Bhd. is an established signage company with over 20 years of experience in sign-making. The company’s main clientele includes the Standard Chartered Bank and Tesco. It also provides the most advanced and cost ecient LED lightings in the region.


OM Biotech is an initiative of Oriental Mace Group to focus on investments in the bio-technology and healthcare sectors in South East Asia and East Asia. OM Biotech is operating a state of the art biotechnology stem cell and tissue culture laboratory, lead by Professor Chua, K.H. The primary research and development focus is in anti-aging and healthcare. MyBHB established to produce stem cell nutrition – MySF lead by stem cell R & D experts – Professor Chua K.H. MySF is a unique health supplement, which main functions to repair stem cell and increase the number of stem cell in human body to maximize the anti-aging effect. It is one of the new breakthrough in medical. In addition, NON Sdn Bhd – NON providing a range of effective skin care products developed by dermatologist devoted to cell culture and has the latest scientific research results in American. Eventually the Oriental Mace Group will venture into manufacturing of generic formulations and bring high-quality pharmaceutical and consumer health products to the market.


Oriental Mace (OM) Education Project is our Group’s core project in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). OM is establishing a chain of colleges throughout the country to provide ‘Blue Ocean’ Education Model of Work-Based Learning. Our vision is to establish the First Work-Based Learning University in Malaysia by 2022.
The Malaysian Hospitality College (MH College) was set up in 2012 and champion the Work-Based Learning Model. At MH College, we aim to equip our graduates with relevant industry skills, international exposure and the attributes in becoming global professionals in the field of hospitality.
In year 2018, OM established the second college that called Malaysian Beauty College. The mission of Malaysian Beauty College is to train professionally trained and knowledge-equipped who possess the skills and self-confidence to participate successfully in the high echelons of the beauty industry. OM aim to be one of the best hospitality and beauty institution in the region.


A Bold New Initiative to Regulate and Uplift the World Beauty & Healthcare Tourism Industry. MyBeauty Tourism is recognized as a ‘Seal of Trust’ – an innovative online ecosystem assuring beauty tourists and customers overall satisfaction by delivering the highest quality products and services.
‘Seal of Trust’
i) NO OVERPRICING of Products and Services
ii) GENUINE AND APPROVED Raw Materials and Products
iii) Services will be carried out by QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS
MyBeauty Tourism aims to be a world brand, recognized globally and most referred and trusted platform for Beauty and Healthcare services worldwide. MyBeauty embraces highest level of validation SOP on its Partners, provide transparent and reliable reviews and comments to its users. It is an exclusive Beauty and Healthcare platform nationally and globally.


Oriental Mace Natural Resources Bhd. (OMNR) is an innovative company that transacts high-demand natural resources, in particular, energy and timber. In a strategic partnership with Verlium Renewable Technology Pte. Ltd., we are developing one of the largest renewable energy projects in South Korea – the Goseong Alps Wing Power Plant. We have further invested in the timber industry with the philosophy of sustainable forest management, producing high quality wood products. All these investments are targeted to create zero-risk value for shareholders, customers, employees and other stakeholders.
Oriental Mace Commodities Bhd. (OMC) aims to meet the world’s commodity needs by venturing into the commodity markets of coal and crude oil. By acquiring the mining rights in Indonesia, OMC escalates value through back-to-back trade transactions originating from the Indonesian coal mine to supplying for China power-plants. At the same time, OMC forms a cooperation with Shang Hai Shang Te Trading Limited in the crude oil vessel business that provides oil tanker vessel transportation services for oil and gas companies.

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